Lindsey Graham Blows Up at Dana Bash on Abortion Coverage

Lindsey Graham Blows Up at Dana Bash on Abortion Coverage

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) blew up at CNN’s Dana Bash for pushing back on his harangue against Democrats on the subject of late-term abortion.

Graham joined Bash on State of the Union for a wide-ranging interview, part of which gravitated around the ongoing judicial fight over the abortion drug mifepristone. As the two discussed the Comstock Act’s applicability to the effort to ban mifepristone, Bash asked Graham if he agrees with Donald Trump — who says abortion should be a state’s issue, or Mike Pence — who wants abortion banned nationwide.

Graham, who proposed a federal ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, ignored the core of Bash’s question in order to accuse Democrats of supporting “barbaric” taxpayer-funded abortion up until the moment of birth. This eventually led to Bash interjecting that “just for the record, Roe went up to viability.”

Bash attempted to move on, but Graham cut her off:

No! No! No! Quit covering for these guys! No, no, no! You’re media, you keep covering for these guys! They introduced legislation that allowed abortion on demand with taxpayer-funded [abortion] up to the moment of birth. That was their position in Washington! That’s the law they want to pass, and nobody in your business will talk about it!

“Senator,” Bash calmly replied, “I’m not covering for anybody. You know that, and when I have Democrats on, I’ve asked many — all of them — about their position on where they believe this issue should be.”

“My question for you, sir, is about President Trump, who you’ve endorsed to be president again. Is he right in saying that this issue should be a state’s issue?”

Watch Graham’s answer above via CNN.

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